This Course Covers:

Every minister should know what they believe and be able to back it up with scripture. The purpose of this course is to teach you theology with scripture. Scripture teaches scripture and this course is heavily referenced with scripture and provides one of the most relevant and clear presentations of the doctrines of the faith. This course is designed to reinforce the truth of scripture rather than indoctrinate.

What You'll Learn

  • Foundations of the Christian faith

  • What you believe

  • Why you believe it

What to Expect

All work is self-paced and on an individual basis. Courses are designed to build upon the student’s accumulated knowledge while also instilling confidence for practical application. Once enrolled in a course, you will have access to all content. You will need the required textbook above to begin your studies. A PDF version of the final exam is available if you prefer to complete your test offline. You will need to submit your answers through this website in order for your test to be graded and the course completed. A grade of 85% is considered passing for each of the open book exams/assignments. 

All programs should be completed within 6 years. The student that is not able to complete their program of study within the time limit may be dropped from active student status unless they apply for an extension. Extensions for hardship cases may be applied for in writing.

The Foundations of Christian Doctrine

by Kevin J. Conner

Without a solid foundation in theology, it is difficult to be a sound interpreter and exegete the scriptures. The purpose of this work is to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us. The text has been written in such a way as to provide "seed to the sower and bread to the eater."

This course is required for:

Licensed Biblical Therapist, Certified Corporate Chaplain, Licensed Corporate Chaplain, Licensed Law Enforcement Chaplain, Bachelor of Arts in Christian Counseling, Master of Arts in Christian Counseling, and Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling programs