Spring, summer, winter, fall. Depending upon the ups and downs of life and its challenges, marriages are perpetually in a state of transition and continually moving from one season to another. The purpose of this course is to describe these recurring seasons of marriage.

You will learn

  • how to how to identify which season the marriage is in

  • show how to enhance a marriage in whatever season it is in

  • practical advice and many different ways to heal and help a marriage

  • how to get through tough times

What to Expect

All work is self-paced and on an individual basis. Courses are designed to build upon the student’s accumulated knowledge while also instilling confidence for practical application. Once enrolled in a course, you will have access to all content. You will need the required textbook above to begin your studies. A PDF version of the final exam is available if you prefer to complete your test offline. You will need to submit your answers through this website in order for your test to be graded and the course completed. A grade of 85% is considered passing for each of the open book exams/assignments. 

All programs should be completed within 6 years. The student that is not able to complete their program of study within the time limit may be dropped from active student status unless they apply for an extension. Extensions for hardship cases may be applied for in writing.

The 4 Seasons of Marriage

by Gary Chapman

The seasons of marriage come and go. Each one holds the potential for emotional health and happiness, and each one has its challenges. The purpose of this book is to describe these recurring seasons of marriage, help you and your spouse identify which season your marriage is in, and show you how to enhance your marriage in all four seasons.

This course is required for:

Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling program